Symptoms of broken heart
martyred for my religion - love is my religion - I could die for that - I could die for you. My creed is love and you are its only tenet - you have ravished me away by a power I cannot resist.
▪ A perceived tightness of the chest, similar to an anxiety attack
▪ Stomachache and/or loss of appetite
▪ Partial or complete insomnia
▪ Anger
▪ Shock
▪ Apathy (loss of interest)
▪ Anhedonia (inability to feel pleasure)
▪ Feelings of loneliness
▪ Feelings of hopelessness and despair
▪ Loss of self-respect and/or self-esteem
▪ Medical or psychological illness (for example depression)
▪ Suicidal thoughts (in extreme cases)
▪ Nausea
▪ Fatigue
▪ The thousand-yard stare
▪ Constant or frequent crying
▪ A feeling of complete emptiness
▪ In extreme cases, death
loss of appetite is a good one!
I LOVE your new blog girl! And I love Keats, great poem! I did not believe in love or falling in love anymore either, until it happend! Love the style on the mens jacket! xoxo