
Seriously, Eric, you can come into my house anytime...

Or maybe I like Perez version better... Hahaha!

True Love of the week

My life will not be complete until this Alexander McQueen clutch has found its way to my closet shelf. Only €885 on Net-a-porter. Too bad I for the moment need to prioritize things like rent and food and stuff...

Dagens iakttagelse

Det luktar kakor i badrummet, antingen är det grannarna som bakar eller så har min sambo köpt en kakdofts-luftfräschare. Hoppas på alternativ nr 1, lite halväckligt med kakdoftspray i badrummet, känns som det sista stället man vill associera med kakor liksom.

Our bathroom smells like cookies... Either the neighbours are baking or my room mate bought a cookie scented air freshener. I´m hoping for option no 1, cookie air freshener feels kinda gross. Bathroom would probably be the last place I´d wanna associate with cookies.

Mm, chocolate chip...

Change of plans

Had a plan today. Was going to get up early and go get my NIE, social security number and open a spanish bank account, so I´m finally officially a spanish resident. That did not happen, got out of bed about an hour ago, just finished my second coffee for the day and now the plan is to go sleep on the beach for a few hours, and try to get some sun on those white legs. Tonight: work!


Can´t help but wonder what´s wrong with people who uses their facebook status as some sort of therapeutical forum. I have a couple of friends (not close friends, people I used to know that I for some reason keep on my news feed) who always give you the full update on their latest relationship problems or whatever. "I´m so miserable because my girlfriend and I just had this big fight and we might be breaking up..." etc. Eh, seriously, you´re so, what, lonely, desperate for attention that you think facebook is the right forum for you to vent these kind of issues?? Seriously (again), call a friend or a therapist or your mother, cause this is just pathetic. 

Kan inte låta bli att undra vad som är fel med människor som använder sin facebook-status som något slags terapeutiskt forum. Jag har ett par vänner (inte nära vänner, människor jag kände en gång i tiden och av någon anledning har på min news feed) som alltid ger en komplett uppdatering om de senaste problemen i sina relationer. "Jag är så olycklig för att min flickvän och jag hade ett jättestort bråk och och nu kanske vi kommer att göra slut..."etc. Eh, allvarligt, är du så, vad, ensam, desperat efter uppmärksamhet, att du tycker Facebook är rätt forum för dig att få utlopp för denna typ av problem?? Allvarligt (igen), ring en vän eller en terapeut eller din mamma, för det här är bara patetiskt.

Good morning!

Just going through my daily morning routine, reading my blogs while drinking two large mugs of coffee and soy milk. (I´m swedish, coffee is almost a religion to us...) Anyway thought I´d list some of my favorite fashion blogs for you:

The Sartorialist
Run by fashion photographer Scott Schuman this is one of the most prominent fashion blogs today. Fantastic photographs takes us through fabulous street styles all over the world, Milan, Paris, New York City… This is the place to come for fashion inspiration.

22 year old Bryanboy is one of the biggest names in the fashion blog world. So big that Marc Jacobs actually named a bag efter him in his fall ´08 collection.

Love this site, inspirational street styles from all over the world! Not much else to say, just add to your bookmarks and enjoy.

And last but not least, the fashion critics; Jessica Morgan and Heather Cocks gathers up the good, the bad and the fugly from Hollywood combined with a brilliant sense of humor.
The Sartorialist
Run by fashion photographer Scott Schuman this is one of the most prominent fashion blogs today. With his fantastic photographs he takes us through fabulous street styles all over the world, Milan, Paris, New York City… This is the place to come for fashion inspiration.


Saras fashion blog.

Granizado con Baileys

Eftersom jag för tillfället bara har ett futtigt deltidsjobb är mina fritidsnöjen ganska begränsade rent ekonomiskt just nu. Inga större utsvävningar med andra ord. Ikväll blev det världens godaste Baileys slushie med Kam på Suis. Nu blir det nog vaniljté och en film framför datorn innan jag kallar det en dag och kryper ner under täcket.
Since my financial situation is quite unstabile at the moment though my only employment is a part time job, my friday night entertaiment is quite limited. Tonight Kam and I went to this cafe called Suis where they serve the best Baileys slushies in the world (well I never had them anywhere else but I presume it´s hard to make them taste better than that). The rest of the evening I will spend in bed with some vanilla tea and a movie.


Read me!

The blog goes bilingual today! (Though some international readers complains about not knowing swedish ;) and google translate does kind of suck...) Oh, and google translate is now also available in catalan... :) (just couldn´t resist)

If you like Piña Colada...

Vad gör man en torsdagkväll i augusti, man kan gå till en bar och dricka vin ur världens största vinglas och titta på roliga turister. Om inga roliga turister syns till kan man gå vidare till en annan bar, där det är mer action och dricka en Piña Colada eller två.
Vår favoritbar heter La Baignoire och ligger på Calle Verdi i Gracia, den är inte speciellt stor men har supermysig inredning (guldblommiga tapeter, stora guldspeglar och kristallkronor) och är alltid full med intressanta människor. Som igår när en halvsleten medelålders man (ja, han hävdade att han var 36 men det kändes tveksamt) kom fram och tokstötte på Kam och jag fick en ros av en blyg rosförsäljare som knappt tittade mig i ögonen när han räckte över den. Sött! :)
What to do on a thursday night in august, well you can go to a bar and drink wine from the worlds biggest wine glass and watch funny tourists. If no fun tourists can be seen then move on to another bar, where there is more action and have a Piña Colada or two.
Our favorite bar is called La Baignoire and is located on Calle Verdi in Gracia, it is not very big but super cozy with nice interior (gold floral wallpaper, large gold mirrors and crystal chandeliers) and is always full of interesting people. Like yesterday when an unattractive middle-aged man (well, he claimed he was 36 but seriously doubt that) came up and hit on Kam and yours truly got a rose from one of the guys who sells roses on the street. Rose guy seemed a bit shy, he barely looked me in the eyes when he handed it over. How sweet! :)
Försökte förgäves ta en bra bild på min drink men det var så mörkt att det var omöjligt att se var jag riktade kameran. Till slut var jag tvungen att ge upp då Kam tyckte att jag var för pinsamt turistig med min kamera. :)
Kept trying to take a photo of my delicious drink but it was impossible to see anything in the dark, in the end I had to give up when Kam thought I was being embarrasingly touristy with my camera. :)


Lovely Cava Fruit punch

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